Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Schaun's Graduation

For those of you with whom we have not been keeping in touch, we thought we would do a few retroactive posts to inform you about what's going on in our lives.

Schaun finally finished his dissertation, and was awarded his Ph.D. in cultural anthropology from the Univeristy of Connecticut in December 2008. One of his advisors was kind enough to put him in touch his an academic publisher (Left Coast Press). Schaun reworked his dissertation into a book manuscript, and we are now waiting to see if the publisher thinks it is marketable.

The title of the dissertation was Everything We Don't Know about People. It was a critique of the way social scientists generally go about doing there work. He argued that social researchers don't often give people a reason to take their research seriously, and then offered an alternative way to study people, using his fieldwork in Kyrgyzstan as an example.

1 comment:

J. Otto Pohl said...

Congratulations on the degree Schaun. I am adding your blog to my blogroll. It had been getting a bit moribund. So I am now updating it.